What if Jealously is a Good Thing?
I heard something the other day and it’s so good, I need to share it with you all. This is regarding jealously; that horrible feeling you get when you see someone who has something you desire and when you look at yourself, you feel like you don’t have it. This can be money, a great career, a loving partner, a book deal, and it is usually hits hardest when it is something you have been pining after for a long time.
What this feeling tells us is that we are lacking. Jealously says there’s something missing in my life, a hole that needs to be filled. I know that when I feel this way it is a sticky situation. I want to be happy for the other person who has what I want but it is difficult to do so full-heartedly. I try to rationalize with myself, talk myself out of it but the lack I feel is deep in my gut.
I was listening to another coach over the weekend and she said jealously can be an expander as it expands what is possible for you.
This got me thinking…
What if being jealous wasn’t such a bad thing?
What if jealously is really telling you because someone else has it, you can too?
What if because it is possible for them, also makes it possible for you?
The fact is this possibility exists and, because it exists it is out there in the world, it is a possibility for you. How expansive is that?!
The next time you feel jealous, instead of getting caught up in the crushing wave of lack, see if you can remind yourself - if they have it, I can too.
See if you can view that jealous feeling as a good thing because it reminds you that your deepest desires are available and waiting for you.
Go get ‘em
xo, Naomi